Curriculum information
Welcome to Reception
A warm welcome to you all!
We have lots of fun in Reception learning through play, stories, songs, cooking, craft, outdoor learning, forest school as well as sitting and listening joining in with games and class discussions.
We welcome you into our school through workshops, coffee mornings, story sessions as well as school festivals and assemblies.
In Reception we believe that children have a right to expect a curriculum that is fun, motivating, interesting and most importantly purposeful. We strive to develop imagination through a stimulating, creative environment where every child has the opportunity to shine.
At Much Birch we aim to develop all subjects thoughtfully and to make links that are relevant, appropriate and purposeful to the area of learning.
Areas of Provision EYFS Learning Outcomes
Continuous provision offers children the chance to engage in learning through hands-on, play-based activities which they can access whenever they choose.
Continuous provision can enable children to explore recent learning, practise new skills, and follow their own interests, both indoors and out. Staff will often enhance the provision areas to make links to adult-led activities, being sure that children have plenty of chances to practise and improve skill, knowledge and confidence in active, independent learning.