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Much Birch Church of England Primary School

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Elm Class - Year 3

(This section has now been updated for 2024/ 2025)

Welcome to Year 3!


Mr Hipkins is the Year 3 class teacher with teaching assistants Mrs Rusling and Mrs Wilkinson. Here are some important pieces of information for starting the school year:


- We are a nut free school. Please check any food that you send in with your child.

- Children need to come to school dressed in their kit every Wednesday and Friday. Forest school/PE is on Wednesday and PE is also every Friday.

- Homework will be handed to the children every Wednesday and collected in on Tuesday in the following week (there will be no homework in the first week).

- Seesaw will be used for posting some class information.


If you have any queries please do get in touch via the school office or by seeing Mr Hipkins directly after school.  

