Road Safety
Re road safety at pick up
I am writing to advise parents that I have spoken to all the children today of expectations at the end of the school day when leaving the school site and particularly of the need to stay close to parents and not to run as they turn the corner on the road heading towards the A49.
I have had to stop a number of younger children in recent weeks from leaving the playground unaccompanied.
We have taken the children who walk home and all of year 6 on a local walk today to remind them of road safety, taking particular note of:
- The need to walk on the pavement and not the curb
- To walk not run
- To look and listen for traffic (especially looking for electric/hybrid motors)
- To be mindful when we cross driveways
- The procedure to take if they are crossing the road to wait by the bus stop for collection
- The need to be visible
With the last point in mind we have a number of Hi Vis jackets for the children who walk home alone to improve their visibility/safety. These will be available either from the office or the on the gate at the end of the day.
Kind regards.
Ms B Davies